In 2002 Seeking Answers was organized and added to the programs provided by the Perry County Community Task Force.  It gives support and assistance to 16-21 year old youth who are seeking answers to substance use issues.  This group not only provides support to the individuals involved, but also causes them to answer questions which may help them think twice before using substances again.  Topics include:

            Addiction                    Stress Management

     Effects on the Body           Taking Responsibility

         Self-Esteem                        Peer Pressure

         Goal Setting        Making Choices/Problem Solving

         Change Plan                Relapse Prevention Plan

       Guest Speakers                Alternative Lifestyles

Youth are provided with Perry Park Center passes to assist them with finding alternative behaviors to substance use.  Many youth are court mandated to attend the Seeking Answers Program.  Others attend at the parents' request, because of a friend who is attending, or just because they feel they need the support the program provides.  A Mental Health/Substance Abuse Counselor is available for professional assistance when needed.

For parent information please click here:

You Don't Have
To Face These
Issues Alone!

If you are searching
for answers,
support and assistance
are available... 
for today, tomorrow
and the future.

Perry County Community Task Force

Helping today's youth become tomorrow's leaders

Perry County Community Task Force
21 South Main Street, Perryville, MO

When: Every Wednesday

Time: 4:30pm - 5:30pm

There is no need to sign-up for the program, just come in and join us.

 With the Seeking Answers program, there are answers to questions like:

Is there a difference between alcohol and drugs?

What is the difference between a heavy drinker and an alcoholic?

Is addiction an illness?

How do I stop?

With the Seeking Answers program, there is a support group where you can:

Interact with other young people facing the same type of problems.

Have the benefit of trained counselors.

Learn from the experiences of others who have control of their addictions.

Obtain accurate information about substance abuse.

Discover healthy alternatives to substance use.

Find ways to gain control of your life.

Seeking Answers